Since 2015, we have been implementing an energy management system in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:11, to guarantee a better use of our energy resources and thus reduce the production of CO2 by our manufacturing activities..
Our continual monitoring of our performance indicators means we are in line with our set objectives, and we are actively working to continually reduce energy consumption for each product unit manufactured. For further information regarding our group energy policy, consumption and energy performance, please write to [email protected]

Social Accountability
Since 2011, we have been working to make significant repercussions on the working life of our personnel and suppliers, by using our influence within our own sector to acknowledge and improve workers’ rights, and the conditions of the work place with an effective management system.
This voluntary initiative achieved certification according to the standard
Our future
The passwords remain - Quality - Innovation - Optimisation – Certification, from which we take our inspiration to carry out our activities with the maximum professionalism and enthusiasm for future scenarios.
Health and Safety
In order to protect all workers’ health and safety, we have planned and implemented a Health and Safety Management System in compliance with the standard OHSAS 18001:07.
As the protection and improvement of workers’ Health and Safety is part of the future and represents the competitiveness of the processes, we have established the following specific objectives:
- compliance with the laws and legislation in force on the subject of Health and Safety in the work place, also considering international laws, regulations and standards, where applicable
- continual growth of our own performance on the subject of the prevention of injuries and professional diseases
- give value to our human resources by promoting and implementing theoretical and practical training programmes at all corporate levels.
Since 2007, we have been implementing a System of Environmental Management in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001.
To continually improve and fulfil community expectations, we have identified and monitored some of the environmental hazards, such as our dust emissions into the atmosphere, our waste management and industrial water discharge levels. For further information regarding our environmental policy, the hazards we have identified and the environmental performance of Tiberina please write to [email protected]